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Law enforcement agencies want accountability when it comes to drone flights, especially when those flights are over people. Enabling a drone and its owner/operator to be quickly identified by law enforcement is necessary toward the expansion of the authorized use of drones to include flights over people and beyond the line of sight as well as the safe integration of drones in the National Airspace System. The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Identification and Tracking Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) chartered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) submitted its report and recommendations to the FAA on technologies available to identify and track drones in flight and other associated issues.[1]
On December 19, 2017, the FAA released the report to the public, The report consists of a 213-page document in a .pdf format available on the FAA’s website.[2] The report provided the FAA with useful data, including detailed technology evaluations and a comprehensive list of law enforcement needs and preferences. Highlights of the recommendations include:
The FAA is now considering the data and recommendations in crafting a final rule that will remove obstacles to advanced drone operations that include flights over people and beyond the pilot’s line of sight. The FAA will need to balance governmental needs and desires with the individual drone operator’s burdens, costs, and invasion-of-privacy concerns.
For any further questions, please contact Ryan Hilton.
[1] Fed. Aviation Admin., FAA Releases UAS Remote Tracking & ID ARC Report,
[2] See id.