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Overview | Spotlights | Brian Hohman | Related | Print | Share
Curt Allen:
I grew up in Lutz and, along with my brother, played for Lutz Little League. We were coached by my father. Those times are some of my fondest memories. I wanted to give back to the community and allow my 12-year-old son to share some of the same experiences.
Brian Hohman:
Lutz Little League is an organization for kids to learn how to play baseball. I became involved because my son began to play in the Minor B Division, and I wanted to help him and his teammates learn the fundamentals of baseball.
Curt Allen:
The season is ongoing and it is difficult to say with precision. However, I volunteer at least 10 hours a week. And, I am told, the average time volunteered by a coach at Lutz Little League is between 200 – 250 hours per season.
Brian Hohman:
I volunteer between six to eight hours a week.
Curt Allen:
The world can be a difficult place, and it seems to become more complex every day. With all of the pressures and situations presented to young people, it is important to give them a safe, positive environment where they can just be kids and have fun.
Brian Hohman:
I grew up playing little league baseball, and my father coached me. He showed me the fundamentals and instructed me on very valuable life lessons through baseball. I hope to do the same with my son. I also wanted a way that I could connect with my son and spend time with him.
Curt Allen:
I like to make safety and fun a priority. Unfortunately, some coaches and parents take a “win at all costs” approach. I believe this misses the point entirely and sends the wrong message to the kids. Instead of giving them a break from everyday pressures, it adds more. I played many sports as a kid and played football at the collegiate level. Hence, I understand competition and a desire to win. But, at the little league level, the focus should be on safety and fun.
Brian Hohman:
The most challenging aspect of being a little league coach is the “win at all costs” attitude from parents and coaches. Some parents and coaches lose sight of this, and unfortunately, this ends up having a negative effect on our children.
Curt Allen:
I tell the league, the parents and the kids that I am here to help in any way I can. Sometimes that is instruction. Sometimes that is raking and with preparing the field. I will continue to volunteer and provide the support needed to make Lutz Little League community a better place.
Brian Hohman:
I would like to coach my two sons as long as they are playing in little league. I enjoy watching them play a sport that I grew up playing
Curt Allen:
The practice of law can often be contentious. I very much enjoy coaching and the opportunity to work with kids. It puts things in perspective. Moreover, I have one son, and I love him very much. Unfortunately, I work very long hours and do not spend nearly the time with him that I would like. Coaching allows me to make up some of that missed time. And, he is proud that “Coach Curt” is his dad.
Brian Hohman:
I played baseball from when I think I could walk until about five years ago. Being able to play with my two sons and pass down what I learned about a sport that I love is very important to me. I hope that they will remember the times that we spent together playing baseball with their dad as fondly as I do with mine.