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Butler | The Service of Giving

December 18, 2020

There is something personal and special about opening a gift on Christmas Day that’s been wrapped in beautiful holiday paper and topped with a sticker displaying your name. It’s a kind gesture that says someone thought of you and took the time to grant you a wish on your list.

This year in the spirit of giving and holiday cheer, the firm adopted 41 adults from The Windsor House & Amelia Assisted Living Facilities in St. Petersburg. These adults are physically and mentally disabled and the majority of them do not have families in the area. Many of them would not receive gifts for Christmas without the help of others in the community. Each resident wrote their own Wish List with modest hopes – socks, button down sweaters, Nautica cologne and a Pikachu doll.  The attorneys and staff members at Butler were delighted to donate and wrap these simple luxuries and everyday needs into boxes and bags to be handed to each resident. Within each bag is more than a personalized gift wrapped in pretty paper, it’s the gift of an intentional thought and time well spent on the need of another.