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Join Partner Jessica Skarin and co-presenters John Bull (North Carolina Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company), Michael Driscoll (Envista Forensics), and Katherine Sandoval (Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C.) as they present for the 2021 CLM Annual Conference on August 13, 2021.
View the presentation summary below:
The NFPA 921, Guide to Fire and Explosion Investigation, has been updated for 2021, changing guidelines significantly. Fire investigators will need to analyze fires differently in order to stay in compliance with the recent changes in the new edition. Due to these changes there will be greater emphasis placed on the analysis of fire effects and the resulting fire patterns. These important changes require fire experts to adjust and adapt investigations to document and analyze all types of fire effect and patterns. Additionally, this will have a significant impact on fire investigators’ expert opinions in case of subrogation. Considering so many subrogation cases involve fire, it is pressing for claims professionals to understand the new changes of NFPA that affect the cause and origin investigation. This session will arm claims professionals with a solid grasp on these changes so they can readily evaluate whether or not the investigation has adequately complied.