STEP award winners often can be described as “invaluable.” They are invaluable by being proactively helpful, by doing the usual and the unusual things that make life easier for those around them. This month’s winner, Maryfrances Cherry, is no exception.
Maryfrances has been with the firm for over eight years. She is the Charlotte office manager and is the assistant to Peter Vogt, Laura Reed, and Zach Jett. She handles the demands of several busy attorneys and has been key to the administrative success of the Charlotte office, serving as the point person for vendors, office events, and the office move. She STEPped into the role of paralegal while another employee was on maternity leave for ten weeks. In fact, after being called in the middle of the night, she watched the employee’s children while the employee went to the hospital.
We knew we had a winner as soon as we read the glowing nominations. The “icing on the cake” was an email forwarded after our decision, wherein Maryfrances generously offered to pick up at the airport and host, at her home, a visiting Butler employee.