Managing Partner | Casualty Defense Litigation, Construction, Product Liability
Overview | Events | Construction | Denise Anderson | Related | Print | Share
Join Partner Denise Anderson and co-presenters Carolyn Crawford (Nationwide Insurance Company), Sandra Heiden (Arch Insurance Group Inc.), Wendy Testa (Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP), and Taso Tselekas (Liberty Mutual) as they present for the 2022 CLM Construction Claims Conference.
The program’s description reads below:
Contractors and design professionals face increased liability as project delivery methods evolve; supply chain shortages force material replacement and/or substitution; and design changes result from cutting corners to control costs and to meet unreasonable schedules. Construction management and the increased use of technology between contractors and design professionals blur the lines of responsibility which results in contractors’ potential design liability and design professionals’ potential liability for performing tasks outside the professional scope.
This session will be an interactive discussion about current risks arising from contractors involved in pre-construction phase tasks; contractors and design professionals engaging in construction management services; and the pitfalls of changes in design, materials, and methods under the pressure to deliver on time and under cost.