Managing Partner | Casualty Defense Litigation, Construction, Product Liability
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Join Tampa Partner Denise Anderson and co-presenters Donna MacConnell (IMA Group) and Wendy Testa (Wilson Elser) for the Claims Xchange 2023 Annual Conference from October 11-13, 2023, in Philadelphia, PA. Their presentation, “Using Your Contract as a Sword and a Shield: Adjusting Your Risk Management Strategy When Battling Claims Related to Public v. Private Construction Projects,” is described below.
A well-negotiated contract can be a sword to a party proactively pursuing a remedy or risk transfer from another contracting party and can effectively shield a contracting party from significant liability exposure that is not reasonably related to that party’s involvement in a project. We will lead an interactive discussion about the significant differences in contractual risk management in the public versus private sector, how to minimize liability exposure when facing non-negotiable terms, how and why certain risk has to be evaluated and accepted to win a public works project, and how the risk management team – claims professional, broker and defense counsel – should adapt its strategy to handle various contractual disputes.
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